I very clearly do not learn. Prep for Wednesday night band work out and dance fit? An 8km morning plod. To be fair, I knew if I didn’t keep moving (the effort from circuits on Monday was kicking in) I had no chance of being able to move by the time the class started as I was beginning to seize up. And I’ll be honest, I thought this would be quite a breeze; I mean, it was bands and dancing, how hard could it be?
Oh. My. God.
The good news is, that this class is quite vocal and I could hear that I wasn’t alone in the band workout hell I found myself in. One lady announced that her vagina was hurting (turns out she meant her groin) and the only gentleman in the class lost his shorts a little and we were all treated to his ‘lucky pants’ and great hilarity.
AND, before we started and in the break between this and the next class people spoke to me! Some of them were the people who had posted in response to my Facebook question; some had encouraged me there and did so again in person. It was one of those moments where you realise that you might at least start to recognise people in the village (as long as they are in lycra and look a bit sweaty).
But then dance fit started. Now, I think I mentioned before that dance is not a strength of mine. I tend to hear a beat that is not audible to any other human ear and my body can’t even move in time with that. Buy – joy of joys – the teacher turned most of the lights off and I realised we were going to be dancing in the dark. Which was a damn good thing as this was a whole different level of dancing and I couldn’t follow any of it. Along with a few others on the back row we giggled our way through the routines and I moved between amazement that my body could travel in a completely different direction to that which I’d planned and sheer exhaustion of trying to keep up. However, I thought my heart was about to burst with happiness when ‘Fame’ came on and I realised I could throw myself around without (too much) embarrassment, singing my heart out (it’s loud in there) and the only thing missing was a leotard and a pair of leg warmers. I even nailed the steps to that one for about ten seconds!
It’s not a huge surprise that laughing at yourself and with others breaks barriers down faster than pretty much anything. I knew two peoples names by the time I left these classes and although I was mostly broken, I’d achieved all three things I’d committed to. Now I just had to see if I would get to know people better if I kept on going back. It wasn’t easy, but it really wasn’t worth putting off for so long. And who knows? Maybe I’ll get good at dancing.
No, let’s not get carried away…
Sounds like you have achieved your objective – well done! How many days to rest before you start all over again? ???