You know those people who tell you what to do…but you know wouldn’t follow their own advice? They’re really annoying, aren’t they?
Well, long story short, I don’t want to be that annoying person. I certainly don’t want to be that annoying therapist. So, I’ve decided to set myself tasks that I occasionally work with clients to achieve and write about them here so you can see that:
- I practice what I preach
- I am human
- Sometimes things don’t quite go to plan (people who know me will know how very, very true that is for me), and that is mostly OK.
- (Hopefully) these tasks have great benefits and if you think they would help you, maybe my stories will give you a nudge to step out of your comfort zone too, whether you are a client or not.
There is a task a client and I set for her a while back that I felt a bit guilty about as I knew I would struggle with it. (She didn’t – she was AMAZING). It was around meeting new people. Connection with other human beings is vital to our well-being, and without it, we don’t do as well as we could. In fact, if the needs that a social circle would usually meet aren’t, we can sometimes try to achieve the same outcomes in less positive ways. In a very simplified view, being lonely could lead to things like comfort eating, drinking a bit too much, smoking, over exercising…. you get the picture.
So…I decided it was about time I set myself <drum roll, please….> ‘The Social Task’. It was my turn to meet new people. How did I do it? Well, to start, I worse my heart on my sleeve and posted this to the local Facebook group:
I didn’t expect much, but look – 36 comments THIRTY-SIX!
People suggested all sorts of classes, offered to get me free passes to their gym, people endorsing other people’s suggestions, and I had a direct message from a local lady in a similar position to me who suggested meeting up for a coffee. They she decided cocktails. And when I saw the message it was the end of Dry January (no alcohol for the entire month if that concept is one that passed you by), and I might have had a glass of wine in celebration which might have helped me come to the conclusion that this would be A Great Idea. In the same 30 minutes or so I also committed to a Monday night circuit class and two classes on a Wednesday: band workout and dance fit.
I get very nervous meeting new people, I’ve never done circuits, I didn’t know what a band workout would entail and I last danced actual steps in my ballet class in primary school…
A Great Idea indeed.
Want to find out more? It’ll be coming soon …
Have you left enough time to do the mundane things, like wrestling with Norman over the plate of ham in the fridge?
But well done for joining all those groups and meeting other folk! I would do the same but I’ve got a bone in my leg…..???