Busy busy busy busy
Do you know that feeling?
I think it being the first day of December is probably not helping as how on earth is everything going to fit into the next few weeks?!
To deal with the business of today I got up at 4.45am so I could be walking the dog at 5am so I could be back for my fist Zoom call of the day at 6am. There are no street lights for the majority of the walk so Percy had a light on his collar, I had a head torch and to his delight we ran the first part of the walk and then while he ran free off the lead I went as fast as I could on the muddy paths without falling over tree roots so we could get the full 5km in…
Busy busy busy busy
I planned my day in my head, as I slipped and slid, I thought through my client list, wondered what on earth I’d cook for dinner and how I’d fit that in anyway as my last session finishes at 8.30pm, thought through the phone calls I have to make, and, and….
Busy busy busy busy
And then I saw a pair of eyes looking at me from the dark….and they weren’t Percy’s. But I had things to think about and they were probably just a reflective strip on a garden fence or something…
Busy busy busy busy
And a few kilometers on I saw another pair. And they had to be eyes because there was nothing but woodland behind them. And I finally stopped….
And wondered whose eyes they could be…
As they stayed still, watching me back…
Too high from the ground to be a rabbit…too high to be a fox…..maybe a deer? The eyes moved and I followed them with mine. My deer had a friend, no, two. Three pairs of eyes were watching me for a few moments before they meandered away.
And I realised the irony. Tonight I am running a hypno HIIT session taking people on a journey to help them focus on the present moment, so they can enjoy the magic of Christmas without rushing through it or wishing time away.
I took a breath in and I let go of my busy-ness. As I’ll say to the people who come along tonight:
‘What’s important is that we start to notice when it is that we are not noticing and instead learn to notice what we are missing because awareness allows us to change.’
(and that flows better when you are in a trance – trust me)
I said goodbye to those eyes and looked up.
Did you know that moonlight seems to tinge the clouds pink? Or maybe it was the beginnings of dawn…
And did you know that the dawn chorus starts at about 4.50am at the moment?
And did you know that if you close your eyes when you notice it, you hear more?
And did you know that when you give yourself a moment instead of doing the busy busy busy busy, a space opens up and your body can relax and that space is enough to grab control back…and focus on the present?
I didn’t. But I do now.
If you’d like to find that space and move through December with enjoyment and experiencing the magic, there’s a tiny bit of time left to sign up to Hypno HIIT tonight (Wednesday December 1st at 8pm). And as a gift this month, it’s £10 instead of £30. Be your own (not so) Secret Santa this year and give yourself the gift of the present.